Sunday, June 16, 2019

reviving this

today Sunday:

- food for that thing (potatoes)
- go to that thing
- find that info (if avail.) was NOT avail
- Job: newsletter
- Job: cleanup list in process
- Job: enter email addresses
- Job: sort stuff
- Amazon app thing
- receipts
- music (?) write about; practice
- min clean-up:

  • kitchen
  • couch
  • clothes
  • etc
  • BONUS: swept floor
  • bed
 Job: newsletter
- Job: cleanup list
- Job: enter email addresses
- Job: sort stuff cust svc thing
- draft letter to wild goose
- bake
- make art
- min clean-up:

  • kitchen
  • couch
  • clothes
  • etc
  • BONUS: swept floor , kitchen table
  • bed

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Week April 8th + weekly goals + monthly goals April

To get 'caught up':

- 25min wtg sub process (either wtg or sub calendar) 
- 52 week project 1hr++
- MA newsletter 25min
- chores
- family mtg
- mouse trap

Other things:
- psy rdgs
- law thing
- online sales
- Trailfest donations
- revive TF
- 2018 income/outgo spreadsheet

Weekly Goals March 17 week -
  • 52 weeks item: PR opps gather data AND contact (so both since didn't do last week + contact Hot Springs Spa chick re thing and go talk to Karen M.
  • chore lists  
  • finish 2 woods  
  • post 25 things online (ebay, amazon, etc) !!! 
  •  training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  •  computer general reading  
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one) !!!
  • sub one wtg    - Opossum
  • view next deadline :
  1. 1. FLASH fri by 15th!!'' 
  2. 2. pitch to buzzfeed wrote it
  3. 3. (also women's thing:
  6. THRU APR 30
  • go to one event/party   
  • meet one new person (convo)   
  • family mtg  
  • radio show

Monthly goals March -  
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc back room
  • send MA newsletter -  
  • Azule newsletter  grant
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl)  

Failing in:
- reading books
- post online sales
- learinign/playing music
- consistent chores list

Monday, March 25, 2019

Weekly March 24 + Weekly + March MOnthly goals


- appt
- water
- mini lit
- AZULE 1 hr (newsletter, rez re home)
- Azule FB/insta
- veg juice
- wtg sub process 25 min
- altar v vases
- move cab to bathroom
- ext cord
- chores
- this thing
- email rebecca

- AZULE newsletter 2 hr
- 25min wtg sub process
- 25min 52 week project
- bring black cab inside/clean out papers inside
- chores
- make food

- bake
- see rez
- REbecca thing

- Wendy?
- newsleetter 1h
- 5:30 rez/home
- cc pmt/call to move pmt date 700 (634 = there + 60mmkt)
- cook
- 52 weeks PR proj
- Jim thing

- AZULE deal with video
- A newsletter 2 hr++
- 25min wtg sub process
- 52 week project 1hr++
- MA newsletter 25min
- sub social anx thing
- porch org
- chores/clothes

- above
- bro?

- send newsletters (if nto done already)
- family mtg
- law link

(moved - porch clean up bc shoulder)

Weekly Goals March 17 week -
  • 52 weeks item: PR opps gather data
  • chore lists  
  • finish 2 woods  
  • post 25 things online (ebay, amazon, etc) !!! 
  •  training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  •  computer general reading  
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one) !!!
  • sub one wtg    
  • view next deadline  Canthius 3,500 words (social anxiety one? women/persons of colour/etc) "include a header on each page of your submission that states your name, address and email address"
  • personal essay to these ppl (women's thing:
  • go to one event/party   Rebecca 
  • meet one new person (convo)    rez, Gwen
  • family mtg  
  • radio show

Monthly goals March -  
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc back room
  • send MA newsletter -  
  • Azule newsletter  grant
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl)  

Failing in:
- reading books
- post online sales
- learinign/playing music
- consistent chores list

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Week March 17 + monthly March goals + family Meeting

Do Monday
- JH Paperwork
lease copy
Azule annual income form
2018 summary bank statements (?) WF or 12 monthly statements
4 social security statements (sent in the email to Carla Smith)
- Azule:
Barbara thing + ask re tax ID #
Camille download
potluck newsletter/FB event
- acu


- Azule: write past rez (website), newsletter, current rez re Fri; Barbara thing 2h+
- clean up for reals, kitchen, couch, etc
- clothes put away
- veg cook, and other
- sub wtg (scum? June...) 25 min+ scheduled June 3rd, boomerang
- send emails re venues (project) 25 min+
- mini lit 25 in+
- radio show
- wood art 3hr+

- Azule go
- Azule newsletter
- dat backup
- xfer $
- cancel subs
- redo radio show
- go to food

- put food away
- make b bread
- make other dish
- org back room more
- make salad
- pay HUECU & call to chg pmt
- family mtg

- family mtg:


- finish Mod Love
- Identity essay
- faith bad faith Irish pub
- novel in progress reject shenandoah
- wood art
- radio show
- get in black file cabinet/go thru papers

- MOnday nite: WART radio compose email  he will be in contact in April sometime
- Tuesday nite: Alt ROOTS thing  deadline Feb 15  
- $ thing 2019
- cc transfers one left?
- Azule newsletter
- ask Wnedy for ID of person: Comm Conv re 5G (Wendy) APR 3 mtg
- for AA: immigrant writers grant IS THIS still a thing?
- LAWSUIT: look at complaint, take out all text and put categories
put every heading in order, if there's some heading that makes no sense look at the text and see what it means
- wood art
- 52 week thing: gather art media etc PR contacts

Future Goals

- send J bro thing
- after black mtn: set up a blog talk schedule/program Solidarity channel THursday 11pm 30m
- for AA: immigrant writers grant
- pests kitchen addresed
- $ thing for 2018

- talk with Gentrys re ?
- JH lawsuit end of FEb
- print feral mtn
- JH license; car tag (May)
- finish one of following by J birthday (May 24):
1) lawsuit
2) serious Russian analysis historical perspective book proposal (IE - pitch to Haymarket Review re CJR story historical perspective on Russiagate)
3)  serious novel query somewhere
4) a real grant/funding strategy

(b bread: 2 bananas 2 cups zucc .5 cup sugar .5 cup fruit salad mashed .5 cup aquafava .5 cup alm milk 4 cups flour 2 Tbs bak powder 1 tsp cinn also based on this recipe

Weekly Goals March 17 week -

Monthly goals March -  
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc back room
  • send MA newsletter -  
  • Azule newsletter  grant
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl)  

Failing in:
- reading books
- post online sales
- learinign/playing music
- consistent chores list

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Week of March 11 + Monthly March goals

Weekly Goals March 11 week -

Monthly goals March -  
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc back room
  • send MA newsletter -  
  • Azule newsletter  grant
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl)  

Sunday, March 10, 2019

52 weeks 1st update

1/4 way mark

Done shockingly well. Hoping to keep forth efforts.

Was scheduled this week to evaluate efforts and, so far, efforts are good.

One thing that I had wondered at this stage is housing permanence. Basically, 'no news is good news.' So we will proceed

As well Jim surgery on Apr 18th, so that was taken into account

Some cleaning-type things were moved around

Pest problem was never truly solved because it required investments I didn't feel I had. As soon as that's resolved I get to it.

Other than that, moving forward, I see this as good. I may have another review end of Spring (I should put that in)

here I put things that would be good that were left out of original fit, but integrated below (after completing: only things didn't find a home for was writing process things. That's because writing and sub is supposed to be weekly and ongoing and so far have managed to pursue/complete that even within this framework)
- org/consol data HD
- get bug stuff
- org spare room
- pay off cc -  a big Fail, the book AMazon method was failing. This has been the only dissappointment this year. I believed Amazon would be more useful than it's ended up being.  Maybe add as a weekly item to fix that/establish systems for it. 
- proper writing calendar/schedule of submitted/to submit (submittable and beyond), things I want to write TO, & things I want to write about
- write-a-thon (IE fulfill above AMAP for a week)
- redo password stupidity (overhaul, redo, store, etc)

1. clean, unclutter, reorganize front porch so it looks somewhat less ghetto
2. really organize and sort thru paperwork, find it a new home and put the important ones in a rational, searchable place (medic and inheritance ones)
3. get real system for selling the stuff online going (including where to store)
4. finish really old box of receipts (or did I already do that???? if so, freebie :D)
5. reinvigorate various art promo newsletters etc campaigns for our wood art (including plan for making it sustainable) - what's needed here is a tutorial on best way to mailchimp

(feb 3) - NOTE: contingent on if J decides to Part 2 re hip surgery at this or another time
6. eliminate kitchen pests part 1 (mice) FEB 3
7. go thru clothes conveyances in bedroom, clean out, eliminate stuff, etc FEB 10
8. eliminate kitchen pests BUY THE SHIT!!!  FEB17
9.  serious clean/declutter my desk area (including better usage for storage and eliminate or fix nonworking printer)  FEB 24

(march 3) NOTE: online sales going throughout
10. serious clean/declutter kitchen desk area (possibly eliminate? Have only one desk area WOULD be desirable)e
11.  EVALUATION: how things have gone, how things look going fwd (including how life has gone or liable to go) by know I will know if in fact the rest of year doable 3/10 
12. come up with credible list of new art selling prospects (venues, galleries, etc) 3/17
13. actually contact the motherfuckers re item 11 3/24
14. scour art media and credible list of who to contact (press) 3/31 buy bug stuff

(apr 7) - NOTE: Poss begin art market at this time and other sale ventures
15. contact above folks (emails, press releases, etc) - also with the one bloke 4/07
16. finally print promo materials Vistaprint etc (poss redesign) 4/14 JH Surgery; Blk Mtn at most thru 4/30
17. follow up as needed items 13 and 15 4/21
18. plan sthg credible for J & J b-day 4/28 Trailfest

(may 5) NOTE: poss have one or a couple yard sales
19. some sort of J birthday greeting/redo cc payoff strategy (TF, Amazon, Ebay, list lots of stuff, start ebay, etc) 5/05
20. credible J birthday experience??/continue above (do ebay thing)  5/12
21. credible J birthday experience??/continue above (do Amazon more) 5/19
22. org back bedroom/continue above 5/24 Beacon of Hope Yard Sale

(june 2) NOTE: supposedly have been having $ to pay off cc by now (FAIL)
23. semi aggressive sale push for remaining stuff 6/2 yard sale?
24. cull stuff from in house (toss, give away, organise, etc PART 1 (INSIDE house: give furniture away) 6/09
25. cull stuff from in house (toss, give away, organise, etc PART 2 (OUTSIDE house: porch; screened area: give furniture away; carport; in studio move their shit to small shed) 6/16
26.   EVALUATION: how things have gone, how things look going fwd (including how life has gone or liable to go): 6/23
27. go thru boxes of papers in screened area PART 1 6/30

(july 7)
28. go thru boxes of papers in screened area PART 2 (success in both weeks is predicated on having laid hands on all boxes and seen contents and restored)
29. get rid of ALL THE CRAP that was not eliminated online or otherwise (a good trip to Goodwill)
30. revisit long-dead Patreon thing (hopefully grounds have been made already for something like a relaunch)
31. revisit and rephoto 93 paintings thing; see if any need touching up, fixing, etc

(aug 4) NOTE: by now supposed to be saving $ in other account (FAIL)
32. some sort of nephew birthday greeting/touch up paintings
33. begin remarketing/reintroducing 93 paintings thing
34. send postcard to last few patrons of 93 paintings (hilariously late)
35. some sort of bro birthday greeting/final push paintings

(sept 1)
36. find or plan xmas/bday gifts
37. whatever wasn't finished in boxes of paper, or fix art shed, or culling, or any other in-house declutter processes (prob a home for papers that have probably ended up cluttering the art shed)
38. EVALUATION: how things have gone, how things look going fwd (including how life has gone or liable to go) 
39. passwords overhaul
40. follow up various art comm things (34, 17)

(oct 6)
41. computery study PART 1 (prob network security shit, or poss PHP)
42. some sort of mum birthday greeting/computery study PART 2
43. computery study PART 3: some culmination/task
44. new HD backup/Azule backup 

(nov 3)
45. computery study PART 4
46. some sort of niece birthday greeting/computery study PART 5
47. computery study PART 6: some culmination/task
48. plan sthg credible for my b-day

(dec 1)
49. finish whatever gifts
50. send xmas cards!!!!!
51. do sthg credible re my b-day
52. EVALUATION: big evaluation re year
Saturnalia: Dec 29 - 31: do whatever the hell

Art Sale venues

seeking place and discount

- the BLOCK off Biltmore
- 1st Fridays off that one biz card - Silver Bird Gallery 144 Biltmore Ave Suite 1 Asheville NC 28801- 1st Fridays, "John"
- wild goose festival July 11 sent out initial inquiry
Jeff Clark, president/producer
Susie Prigmore, vendor co-coordinator
John Prigmore, vendor co-coordinator (Food) follow up
Cody Burton, Operations & Programming Support
- french broad festival May 3rd
"The festival, a benefit for American WhitewaterThe Verner Center for Early Learning and Hot Springs Community Learning Center" - so who is in charge? Heather Hot Sp Spa sent email follow up
- trailfest
- 5/24 beacon of hope yard sale
- odditorium STARTS APR 27
- FLOW gallery 14 s main st marshall nc 28753 828 649 1686; talked to Pegi
- Tara Singh (had once approached us at EF re selling soemhting somewhere, 828 974 2321
- Art Mob 'call for artists' April 6, 11 - 4p 124 4th av East H'ville 828 693 4545
- Eco Depot Marketplace 2nd Saturday 408 Depot St RAD GO THERE next time Jimbo does art (april 1?)
- cigar shop woman: Beth Pedrotti 6 Eagle Street 
Asheville, North Carolina 28801  GO THERE sometime
Highlights info row image
(828) 254-0048 

- Asheville Gallery of Art 82 Patton Av 828 251 5796 April 15 framed (Turner)
- Brevard: Number 7 Arts 2 West Main St Brevard NC 828 883 2294 has application info (pretty hopeless though)
70 - 30 you put in 2 .5 days a month working behind counter $65 month lease 20th anniv 5:30p - 9p tomorrow
- Seven Sisters Craft Gallery 828 669 5107 10 minutes  bio photos selection 7 sisters gallery 117 cherry black mountain nc Andrea McNair; show work
- Miya Art Gallery W'ville - 20 N Main Weaverville 828 658 9655 50 50 consignment send photos and CV to email
- Firefly Craft Gallery Flat Rock 828 231 0764  Karen email send photos and CV, etc
- Fine Art & Gifts 124 4th Ave East H'ville 828 693 4545 juried apr 6th 11 to 4p regiter leave prob. too posh
- Momentum Gallery 24 N Lexington 828 505 8550 sub 5 images dimension whitney; nice
- Woolworth 828 254 9234 25 haywood st bring in portfolio art stmt curating process month anytime AM M F Erin booth fee $45 - $300 19%
- American Folk Art 828 281 2134 Morgan; another bitch
- Blue Spiral 1 828-251-0202 ongoing gallery 2021 director/curator
- that place someone told us about near old Chinese restaurant/bus cafe???
- wand earth thing

Sunday, February 24, 2019

for Monday

kitchen cleanup
Ford min pmt?
CC bollocks again tried, call tomorrow
call re acupumcture rescheduled Mon 11:30am
list weekend income spreadsheet
reach out to ppl met on Sat (mailchimp or otherwise)
Azule duties (go get stuff)
write Duarte
c - line?
52 week project: kitchen/study


big things
- Azule hard drive transfer - 2017, 2018, get auction pics 2017 off other HD onto it as Nov 2017
- Azule newsletter begin
- more progress cleaning desk area; kitchen table, take stuff to shed, stuff in living room, consolidate all stuff

littler things
- Creative Capital video
- bleach tub
- call re CC
- Duarte Email
- write  something short for sub
- State of Franklin? also at place


big things
- Azule hard drive transfer - 2017, 2018, get auction pics 2017 off other HD onto it as Nov 2017, Feb 2019
- Azule newsletter
- more progress cleaning desk area; kitchen table, take stuff to shed, stuff in living room, consolidate all stuff

littler things
- TF questions
- TF pizza post (on phone)
- food prep
- Duarte Email
- 2nd edit Grat essay (form)
- Art & Fear for radio
- Calculate hours (4 hours past days)


- Azule hard drive transfer - Feb 2019
- Azule newsletter FINISH
- pay truck tag
- 2nd edit Grat essay (form)
- Art & Fear for radio
- Calculate hours (4 hours past days) - TODAY: 1 or 2 hours (talk)
- radio show
- Art & Fear for radio


- radio show
- Gratitude essay DUE, plus one other writing, plus catch up sell stuff BUT must do Azule 1st
- dump (weds?)
- fill out CC form/email
- update links on
- sub some other thing by Sunday

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

This weds + family meeting

52 week challenge actually sort of going along. Did epic well last week and the only catch up (pests) is just thhings I have to do in tandem with new week task.

so for instance tis week transform desk area in living room + build a trap + deep cleaning kitchen + buy the stuff will count. It will be like 3 weeks in one. 

got behind in sales because hopeless. still, considering effort required of me, might as well carry on with that

writing caught up . Finish Grat thing (almost there) by end of week. And some dinky thing too

lost track of TF. Probably not best idea but still. Will try to do something with that. 


- check WF bank deposit
- call HUECU balcon??? Ford card
- DVD, CD, for sale prepared, in car
- radio show (prep book or continue Laing)
- continue desk area clean
- remove the anti water from car
- gather the things to take; pack

- old I.P.
- other steamer
- 2 sprays for mom
- 1 spray for Jimbo
- sale stuff (CDs etc)
- art stool
- TV trays
- chairs + poto pillow


- Harper's intention to finish by Sunday now is a novel!
- Sub Times of London Cinci Rev instead
- wood art
- JH look at Grat
- JH look at subway
- Feb 28 deadline speculative fiction working class grant
- Creative Capital
- one more sub
- finish Mod Love

- MOnday nite: WART radio compose email  he will be in contact in April sometime
- Tuesday nite: Alt ROOTS thing  deadline Feb 15  
- $ thing 2019
- cc transfers one left?
- Azule newsletter
- for AA: immigrant writers grant IS THIS still a thing?

Future Goals

- send J bro thing
- after black mtn: set up a blog talk schedule/program Solidarity channel THursday 11pm 30m
- for AA: immigrant writers grant
- pests kitchen addresed
- $ thing for 2018
- pitch to Haymarket Review re CJR story historical perspective on Russiagate
-Comm Conv re 5G (Wendy)
- talk with Gentrys re
- JH lawsuit end of FEb
- print feral mtn
- JH license; car tag

- family meeting (in PM)
- build trap
- start cleaning out desk area (daily project)
- clean 2nd desk area (put away paperwork)
- clean kitchen
- write/sub $20 thing (in PM)
- med.
- print feral mt  sent but must do later
- TF push 

  • 52 weeks item: clean desk area + pests
  • chore lists complete 
  • finish 3 woods  
  • post 25 things online (ebay, amazon, etc) !!! 
  • 4 hours training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  • 2 hours computer general reading  
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one) !!!
  • sub one wtg  backlog; must do Grat + 1 more
  • view next deadline   
  • go to one event/party   
  • meet one new person (convo)  many at event THIS WEEK: camera guy

Monthly goals Feb -  
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc front porch kitchen/living room
  • send MA newsletter -  
  • Azule newsletter  
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl)  Camille came over

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

for weds

- Tuesday nite: Alt ROOTS thing  deadline Feb 15
- $ thing 2018 did WF Jan
- write past rez
- clean up mailchimp (NOT MERGE LIST however)
- update Feb hours
- deal with computer backup problem (too many files; slow)
- azule archive photos
- upload videos (if above completed)
- sub Sandwich thing (maybe one last edit)
- look at Gratitude thing w new info
- start this: $20, short, 1000 or less two: house and family
- sort clothes (finish?)
- bathroom clean
- music
- read
- new 2k or something memoir piece
- sub grat to 3P review
- sub sandwich to narratively

forgot this for last week, still wanna do it

  • 52 weeks item: sort clothes + pests
  • chore lists complete 
  • finish 3 woods  
  • post 25 things online (ebay, amazon, etc) !!! 
  • 4 hours training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  • 2 hours computer general reading 43/PC stuff
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one) !!!
  • sub one wtg  backlog; must do 3 by Sunday 3P twice; narraively once
  • view next deadline   
  • go to one event/party  DTell's on Fri
  • meet one new person (convo) chick @ artisun

Monthly goals -
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc front porch
  • send MA newsletter - good start with novel videos
  • Azule newsletter and grant stuff
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl) JBerh and C - line came over (separately) and family

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Family Meeting


- Harper's intention to finish by Sunday
- Sub Times of London
- wood art
- JH look at Grat
- JH look at subway
- Feb 28 deadline speculative fiction working class grant

- MOnday nite: WART radio compose email
- Tuesday nite: Alt ROOTS thing  deadline Feb 15
1. find gather images of words of art that apply to themes of 
class conflict
working class power in context of imperialism
basis for class conflict
basis for lack of class power
bigger pic of world series of IEs of imperial power and working class oppression puts into perspective think globally act locally thing; art must be able to grapple with that so we want to provide insights into past instances of how soviet art or avant garde art or posters diego rivera 
emails lou james about art + solidarity, etc - 20 
HOW ART CAN SUPPORT EMPOWERMENT OF WORKING PP WHEN IMPERIALISM IS RUNNING RAMPANT AND 60% of American nation budtet is death budget which does not leave much for culture consciousness solidarity etc after you take out hwy expenditures and military and nuke reactors vets hospitals educational programs that don't deal with empowerment and culture 

125 words

- $ thing 2018
- cc transfers

Future Goals

- send J bro thing
- after black mtn: set up a blog talk schedule/program Solidarity channel THursday 11pm 30m
- for AA: immigrant writers grant
- pests kitchen
- $ thing for 2018
- pitch to Haymarket Review re CJR story historical perspective on Russiagate
-Comm Conv re 5G (Wendy)
- talk with Gentrys re
- JH lawsuit end of FEb

  • 52 weeks item: real old receipts + analyze expenses
  • chore lists complete 
  • finish 3 woods 
  • post 25 things online (ebay, amazon, etc)
  • 4 hours training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  • 2 hours computer general reading 43/PC stuff
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one)
  • sub one wtg  
  • view next deadline  Gratitude/N Algren
  • go to one event/party  thing today counts
  • meet one new person (convo) Physics kid

Monthly goals -
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc front porch
  • send MA newsletter - good start with novel videos
  • Azule newsletter and grant stuff
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl) JBerh and C - line came over (separately) and family

Vision - reality-based
  • successful candidacy for grants
  • successful publication of a written product
  • belonging to a church or organization with a clear social nexus (IE Azule, church, wicca group, writing groups, etc) especially something with a focus (IE an astrology group if astrology is monetized)
  • AA income opps
  • a next level social and income opportunity in art production
  • 100 Patreon patrons
  • a book contract
  • art showing up in the Times
  • relationship with a publisher house
  • get an agent
must solidify this more, get more specific workable visions and put im 2019 category

the roadmap or idea of how to get there
must develop this further

Goals - can operate like vision
need either an online or poster to list the weekly/monthly goals and then a way to check them off
Current deadlines -
  • Gratitude essay
  • Nelson Algren
  • finish this thing here
  • create/finish sub calendar prob online
  • xmas cards
  • Azule immediate stuff
  • TF questions catch up before end of month
Daily goals - see Habitica
Weekly goals - every week do these things
  • chore lists complete
  • finish 3 woods 
  • post 5 things online (ebay, amazon, etc)
  • 4 hours training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  • 2 hours computer general reading
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one)
  • sub one wtg
  • view next deadline
  • go to one event/party
  • meet one new person (convo)

Monthly goals -
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc
  • send MA newsletter
  • Azule newsletter and grant stuff
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl)

VISION for end of year 2019 -
JH: sell 3+ story projects/narratives in cultural marketplace (win story contest, Harper's, book pub, screenplay, etc)
- pub sthg in England

AA - Habitica
- daily schedule
- reward: fuck off

JH - ?

Important Projects/Wants
  • Azule
  • online sales
  • computer learning
  • read books
  • music (mainly practice)
  • writing for pub
  • social/networking (incl online)
  • help JH case by case basis
  • exercise/walks
  • lawsuit
  • sub to pubs
  • ?
  • art prod
  • art sales
  • art promo 
  • grant seeking
  • Patreon seek 
  • Patreon populate
  • videos
  • affn
  • housekeeping (mostly AA)
  • $ mgmt (mostly AA)

Saturday, February 9, 2019


stuff I want to this weekend:

- Gratitude (by Sunday)\ finished, just need final edit/send (AFTER MONDAY 2/11/19)
- another look-through

- new thing to sub/write/send
- just for fun: betrayal thing
-** write/sub a 1000k or less thing $400 per short story ; before the end of June; under 4,000 words DO SUBWAY THING - Subway thing later in year after rejected elsewhere - maybe subway thing? DEADLINE MARCH $20, short, DEADLINE MARCH - subway thing? (because why TF not)
* Many good; like Azule Photo Essay, random memoir, etc
- find sub for next week ($ thing? Masters Review)
- regroup; see if on schedule/write schedule somewhere

- MA Newsletter (52 weeks task)
- regroup emails
- add emails off lists, paper
 - send sthg (poll)
- review tutorial
- add photos to MA of new art, etc
- write Laurel guy
- write tobacco lady

- Job things
- Job FB posts for week (incl recent vids)
- write past rez
- clean up mailchimp (NOT MERGE LIST however)
- deal with Duarte thing

- housekeeping

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Family Meeting

Part of weekly process/progress meetings at household to make sure stuff is getting done

- money Stacey thing, posing
- Nelson Algren
- Gratitudes
- Harper's intention to finish by Sunday
- write Marshall radio ppl
- sub to 3 penny review
- writing to Columbia Journalism Rev pitch
- write Brit contest re eligibility (Times of London) again
- wood art
- Pay 2 bills w/Hvd one left
- meeting tomorrow with job
- set up Lou James email acct

- can i resub nelson algren? till tomorrow
- Grove Park Inn qualify>>>????(emails) 15th or so of Feb
- renew membership Alt ROOTS Hvd
- check USAA balance
- communicate with NY ppl re outsider art program (or delegate, find contact)
- finished 6 or 8 pieces, conflicted with other plans
- demoed BlogTalk
- reached out to Marshall radio
- write him back radio person
- reach out to new rez
- get URL's for stuff listed on here (immigrant, Nelson Algren, working class, etc)
- 2015/16 updated 
- $ template 
- chores ongoing
- weekly wthg TF
- all MA videos are on MA youtube
- Gratitude (by Sunday)\ finished, just need final edit/send (AFTER MONDAY 2/11/19)
- new thing to sub/write/send
- Job things
- Newsletter (52 weeks task) - send sthg; review tutorial
- deal with Duarte thing
- Job FB posts
- send Duarte email
- sub job hours
- posting books online ongoing
- PDF to mom
- sub calendar
- read book (Laing)
- music
- New Moon thang or other

Future goals:
- send J bro thing
- after black mtn: set up a blog talk schedule/program Solidarity channel Thursays at 11pm30 minutes
- Outline pitch about Marshall arts: an online pub pays 40 cents a word they want essays on topics and one is 'contemporary culture' and we are an expression so a profile about us; mutual process; deadline: by 8th of February
- for AA: immigrant writers grant
- proposal for program at Alt ROOTS deadline Feb 15
- pests kitchen
- $ thing for 2018
- Feb 28 deadline speculative fiction working class grant
- pitch to Haymarket Review re CJR story historical perspective on Russiagate
-Comm Conv re 5G (Wendy)
- talk with Gentrys re

  • 52 weeks item: real old receipts + analyze expenses
  • chore lists complete 
  • finish 3 woods 
  • post 25 things online (ebay, amazon, etc)
  • 4 hours training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  • 2 hours computer general reading 43/PC stuff
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one)
  • sub one wtg  
  • view next deadline  Gratitude/N Algren
  • go to one event/party  thing today counts
  • meet one new person (convo) Physics kid

Monthly goals -
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc front porch
  • send MA newsletter - good start with novel videos
  • Azule newsletter and grant stuff
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl) JBerh and C - line came over (separately) and family
Vision - reality-based
  • successful candidacy for grants
  • successful publication of a written product
  • belonging to a church or organization with a clear social nexus (IE Azule, church, wicca group, writing groups, etc) especially something with a focus (IE an astrology group if astrology is monetized)
  • AA income opps
  • a next level social and income opportunity in art production
  • 100 Patreon patrons
  • a book contract
  • art showing up in the Times
  • relationship with a publisher house
  • get an agent
must solidify this more, get more specific workable visions and put im 2019 category

the roadmap or idea of how to get there
must develop this further

Goals - can operate like vision
need either an online or poster to list the weekly/monthly goals and then a way to check them off
Current deadlines -
  • Gratitude essay
  • Nelson Algren
  • finish this thing here
  • create/finish sub calendar prob online
  • xmas cards
  • Azule immediate stuff
  • TF questions catch up before end of month
Daily goals - see Habitica
Weekly goals - every week do these things
  • chore lists complete
  • finish 3 woods 
  • post 5 things online (ebay, amazon, etc)
  • 4 hours training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  • 2 hours computer general reading
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one)
  • sub one wtg
  • view next deadline
  • go to one event/party
  • meet one new person (convo)

Monthly goals -
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc
  • send MA newsletter
  • Azule newsletter and grant stuff
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl)

VISION for end of year 2019 -
JH: sell 3+ story projects/narratives in cultural marketplace (win story contest, Harper's, book pub, screenplay, etc)
- pub sthg in England

AA - Habitica
- daily schedule
- reward: fuck off

JH - ?

Important Projects/Wants
  • Azule
  • online sales
  • computer learning
  • read books
  • music (mainly practice)
  • writing for pub
  • social/networking (incl online)
  • help JH case by case basis
  • exercise/walks
  • lawsuit
  • sub to pubs
  • ?
  • art prod
  • art sales
  • art promo 
  • grant seeking
  • Patreon seek 
  • Patreon populate
  • videos
  • affn
  • housekeeping (mostly AA)
  • $ mgmt (mostly AA)