REFLECTIONS: Back to school night last night. Since we had a babysitter, we went out for drinks afterwards with other parents- making some social connections! I'm exhausted today. Woke up as late as I could WITH the kids... never a good start to the day. Always much better when I'm up and awake and ready to go when they wake up. Still that struggle of getting back on track with sleep. I REALLY wanted to watch Mr. Robot last night when I got home... so... I stayed up too late. Was that a need? I don't know... maybe... It certainly doesn't help me with my cause, but is staying up and watching a show satisfying to me in a way that rivals accomplishing my goals? I think it might be. I derive satisfaction from escaping into fantasy and maybe on seem level I need that more than I need waking up early and being productive. Although a case could be made that I wouldn't need to feel the need to escape into fantasy TV world if I felt more balanced and accomplished... chickens, eggs, whatevs. The MOST important thing I think I need to remember is to be OK with whatever choice I make. If I choose to stay up- relish in it, enjoy it, and above all, no guilt and rehashing of "shoulds". It's just no way to live. Because once you start rehashing in the "I should have" "so terrible that I didn't" it's really hard to get out of the negative space- and what kind of life is that, right?
Things I will do differently this week: TODAY: just get the house, life, bills organized again today
Create and follow a schedule- (update: got as far as printing out calendars
Be prepared for the day, before my family wakes up (update: hasn't happened yet)
Take all of my supplements (update: forgot to yesterday)
Focus on 4 meals, 100 grams of protein and lots of nutrition veggies (update:really not happening)
Exercise daily (update: also no success as of yet)
Do fun (hopefully free) activities with my daughter while my son is at school(update:again... as above)
Get out and do 2 things for myself that are fulfilling spiritually and emotionally(update: 2 fun things on the calendar from Friday and Saturday! Want to get out for yoga at some point this weekend)
-I am so grateful for this place to reflect on life and gratuities
-I am so grateful that I can design my life exactly how I want to live it
-I am so grateful that I can always seem to muster up a flurry of hope even when I can't quite find the motivation
-I am so grateful that I have good friends to hang out with
-I am so grateful for a full social calendar
-I am so grateful for my talents- I just want to use them more.
WHAT I'M DOING TODAY TO WIN AT LIFE: I'm staying organized and on schedule and on top of my game.
Daily Non-Negotiables
-take supplements
-stretch and meditate
-30 minute 21 Day Fix workout or 5K prep
-use meal plan tracker
-is this 5K prep day?
-shower/look beautiful/wear one piece of jewelry
New/Carry-Over To Do Today
-organize the desk
-organize my work stuff
-organize my yoga stuff
-check in on CRCD balance and pay off
-review finances
-mail out S4S benefit cards
-make a weekly schedule again
-do monthly calendars for October, November, December
-do something creative
-deep clean bedrooms, vacuum behind beds, under the furniture and clean the baseboard heater
-get laundry away
-clean and put back Teeny Tiny's carpet
-change sheets on the beds
-finish cleaning the bathroom
-start decorating the downstair playroom
-start clearing out the gym again
-hang up shelf in office
*Bonus- clean the picture frames and put some pics in and possibly hang up
-Run 5K: Comments: Need to make a running schedule
-Size 4 or 125: I'm drifting further and further... joining a heath and fitness accountability group on 10/5
-Put on another phenomenal charity event: First meeting with my partner today
-Make a vision board: Need to get ink for my printer
-Figure out a work situation that works for me AND pays! Still need to talk with boss.
-Throw my kids an art birthday party: Working on this. Found a mobile art truck. Kind of expensive though.
-Host a killer Thanksgiving: Stated watching on streaming food network, thanksgiving recipes- jotted them down in the notes section of my phone.
-Wake up between 4:30-6:00 a.m. every week day- Got up at 6:00 today! It's a start. (1/30)