Wednesday, January 16, 2019

52 things in 52 weeks (off popclogs site)

just a mental exercise, really

i have zero faith i can pull this off for the simple reason that i feel i can't rely on external reality remaining the same for me to allow for such a list. IE as far as I know we'll have to move again in 2 months, 4, etc. Also fact J is planning a 2nd surgery this year sometime, and just other stuff that always seems to throw monkeys in wrenches or however you say that

but I decided to go ahead and do this anyway as a mental exercise of 'what would happen if I COULD make these things come true?' and i realized that the bad crap that's bogging us down re our physical space would be resolved by late July. That would be frigging awesome. So it was good to at least see it spelled out like that.

the other problem, allowing for the suspension of disbelief enough that we CAN stay put enough to accomplish these things, is I have is to prioritize which should go in one week. All things seem either URGENT NOW or meh.... whenever, so hard to put a timer on it

already finished one today so yay! ahead of the game

1. clean, unclutter, reorganize front porch so it looks somewhat less ghetto
2. really organize and sort thru paperwork, find it a new home and put the important ones in a rational, searchable place (medic and inheritance ones)
3. get real system for selling the stuff online going (including where to store)
4. finish really old box of receipts (or did I already do that???? if so, freebie :D)
5. reinvigorate various art promo newsletters etc campaigns for our wood art (including plan for making it sustainable) - what's needed here is a tutorial on best way to mailchimp

(feb 3) - NOTE: contingent on if J decides to Part 2 re hip surgery at this or another time
6. eliminate kitchen pests part 1 (mice) FEB 3
7. go thru clothes conveyances in bedroom, clean out, eliminate stuff, etc FEB 10
8. eliminate kitchen pests BUY THE SHIT!!!  FEB17
9.  serious clean/declutter my desk area (including better usage for storage and eliminate or fix nonworking printer)  FEB 24

(march 3) NOTE: online sales going throughout
10. serious clean/declutter kitchen desk area (possibly eliminate? Have only one desk area WOULD be desirable)
11. come up with credible list of new art selling prospects (venues, galleries, fairs, etc)
12. EVALUATION: how things have gone, how things look going fwd (including how life has gone or liable to go) by know I will know if in fact the rest of year is doable
13. actually contact the motherfuckers re item 11
14. scour art media and credible list of who to contact (press)

(apr 7) - NOTE: Poss begin art market at this time and other sale ventures
15. contact above folks (emails, press releases, etc) - also with the one bloke
16. finally print promo materials Vistaprint or somesuch
17. clean art shed Part 1
18. plan sthg credible for J b-day

(may 5) NOTE: poss have one or a couple yard sales
19. some sort of J birthday greeting
20. follow up as needed items 13 and 15
21. credible J birthday experience
22. clean art shed Part 2

(june 2) NOTE: supposedly have been having $ to pay off cc by now
23. semi aggressive sale push for remaining stuff
24. cull stuff from in house (toss, give away, organise, etc PART 1 (bedrooms, living room)
25. cull stuff from in house (toss, give away, organise, etc PART 2 (kitchen, JH area)
26. cull stuff from in house (toss, give away, organise, etc PART 3 porch, outbuilding)
27. go thru boxes of papers in screened area PART 1

(july 7)
28. go thru boxes of papers in screened area PART 2
29. get rid of ALL THE CRAP that was not eliminated online or otherwise
30. revisit long-dead Patreon thing (hopefully grounds have been made already for something like a relaunch)
31. revisit and rephoto 93 paintings thing; see if any need touching up, fixing, etc

(aug 4) NOTE: by now supposed to be saving $ in other account
32. some sort of nephew birthday greeting
33. begin remarketing/reintroducing 93 paintings thing
34. send postcard to last few patrons of 93 paintings (hilariously late)
35. some sort of bro birthday greeting

(sept 1)
36. find or plan xmas/bday gifts
37. whatever wasn't finished in boxes of paper, or fix art shed, or culling, or any other in-house declutter processes (or touch up)
38. ibid. Part 2
39. begin a computery study PART 1
40. follow up various art comm things (34, 20)

(oct 6)
41. computery study PART 2
42. some sort of mum birthday greeting
43. computery study PART 3
44. computery study PART 4

(nov 3)
45. real estate study PART 1 (weird idea)
46. some sort of niece birthday greeting
47. real estate study PART 2
48. plan sthg credible for my b-day

(dec 1)
49. finish whatever gifts
50. send xmas cards!!!!!
51. do sthg credible re my b-day
52. big evaluation re year
Saturnalia: Dec 29 - 31: do whatever the hell

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