This was Fire posts
you know I should really find this triggering because 4 or 5 years ago we actually had that house fire 9 days before New Years which did essentially set the year on fire for us, lol
the reason I don't is in the end nothing bad happened to any of us and the fact is that house and life situation was and had been a millstone round our neck (it was just way too cluttered and chaotic) and the fire facilitated burning through a lot of that. It was a fire in the upstairs unit so we didn't even suffer any notable damage to our important belongings; just a lot of smoke and water damage. We were 'homeless' for a few weeks which just meant living with mum and then moved on from there. Had a storage unit for 2+ years then found a solid place that we are somehow still at. Who knows for how long; hopefully for a while or at least till we can make a graceful transition
anyway the moral of the story is, sometimes a real fire (IE outside catastrophe) can lead to good things
it will be interesting to see how i can use this imagery to my benefit currently.
I need a fire under my arse in regards to energy level, will to do things, decisino making, and what I said last bootcamps re closing the gap between my fancies and what I actually DO do
- all the stuff that's still extraneous and clutter
- approach - avoidance re certain relationships, etc
- the occasional or frequent dread and "everything's going to hell all the time" thing
- $ chaos
I guess it would be that gooey viscous membrane of inaction, apathy, uninvolvement, pessimism, dread, whatever you want to call it, that stands between me and living a life in a lived way and sort of stains everything I undertake. Something like that. I feel I have invested a lot of time and energy trying to get rid of that and now in some ways I DO feel closer but still not really there
i think it is there to keep me from having certain feelings about things and myself so the only solution is to just tolerate the feelings and have it all burn off me that way. Can't think of anything more
so, pursue mroe things that actively make me feel like garbage. Hence, the 'fail' goal in many ways

The pic is from a different time when things seemed different, more 'fiery', even though it ended up all being bullshit - but also the sun is a giant fireball so why not
still trying to come up with a conceptual framework for this 'fire' business
maybe I go have a smoke and that inspires me :-D :-D :-D
OK I'm back
mainly for me the idea is 'what is fire' in a symbological/philosophical/practical sense?
what is 'fire'
1. enthusiasm
2. committing
3. I want to say 'passion' but that word kind of irks me - to me either it's romance novels or this, both which make me kind of want to throw up in my mouth a bit. So maybe forget 'passion' and stick with BRIO which is what they say in music when they want you to play a certain way, 'con brio'
4. emotions
5. focus
6. faith
7. will to power (Wille zur Macht, for the initiated)
8. transforming the old, useless, broken thru destruction/repurposing
9. rising again after being beaten down, improved
10. group contagion, stampede, mob mentality
11. assertiveness; striking down oppressors
and here's 'anti fire'
1. apathy
2. checking out
3. lethargy
4. cerebralizing
5. vagueness
6. irony
7. Ressentiment
8. wallowing in clutter, nostalgia, the past
9. staying down after a beating
10. isolation, critical distance, remaining unmoved by the lives of others
11. tolerating others' misdeeds so as to 'not create waves'
OK that was thoroughly useless. Sort of interesting, though. I look at the fire list and sort of scoff at myself 'yeah right'. But some things are good. Items 1, 7, 8, 9, and 11 have much to recommend them.
But items 4, 6, and 10 on anti-fire list do too. Also item 11 on anti fire list is sometimes useful/appropriate (espcially when you're the one who stuffed it up). And sometimes you can't help being at 3 becuase health or whatnot. 1, 7, and 9 are really the villains of this anti fire list.
And all my practical life goals revolve around 8 in regards to my personal space, and around 1 and 2 in regards to my spiritual space.
other ideas:
1. specifically burning something albeit symbolically (IE some old writings) might be good. Not easy to manage since no fire pit and someone told me the other day it's illegal to burn paper, cardboard, etc (oops)
summer '17 I burned a ton of old journals from HS on thru college (some of them were actually water damaged) and on the one hand it is possible for me to construct the belief that it did something for me (opened me up musically more, oddly) but on the other hand i actually regretted it. I didn't expect that. This was a record as to my state of mind at that time and would have been helpful in a possible future. Now it's all GONE. People on here congratulated me for doing it and of course I can't take it back so I have to live with it but I realise it's not that simple to just burn thru stuff
also in May i murdered my other PC account that had TONS of content. Same thing. Didn't really save any of it. Some regret there as well, mainly because it prob depleted the site of content. BUt also the historical record
so I really am not a stranger to 'burning things away' but am wondering if there's a use in doing it now in spite of 'fire' theme
2. some spiritual meditation discipline with candles - this seems OK and doable enough
3. exercise or exertion in some way - always a welcome thing but not always practical. Maybe mini trampoline if my knee allows it
4. a bonfire once - very impractical. As said, we don't have a pit. It would have to work out that I go to a thing where that's happening. Possibly this weekend, though
In conclusion
the useful ideas to me are
1. enthusiasm v apathy
2. commitment v checking out
3. Will to Power v Ressentiment
4. transforming v clutter (both for material and spiritual things)
5. some candle work
6. aerobic exercise commitment (if allowed)
so that will be my framework
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fireball thru the tree near Baton Rouge, LA, another old fiery time |
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