Friday, October 7, 2016

For Friday

Started off day on wrong note. Was angry and hateful at roomate person - not thru saying anything but thru hateful silence that i have come to see does affect others negatively, including my own self, for certain things they were doing that really irk me

Now, I am not really the type to want to dictate how others live or do their thang, and I am not attached to being 'right' bc it's all relative in the end, so I opt to say nothing, but I still can't get really past feeling hateful judging towards having to be in the same room (IE kitchen.. forced) as someone who treats the world like a frat house.

at one level i feel like you have it coming to you if you are that careless as to not realize that your casual attitude can offend others, but the more important thing is that i allowed myself to get into a negative an hateful space and now it's tainting everything

But am glad I managed to fix it by having a different conversation that needed to be had with another roomate.

There's a bizarre chance we won't be here for long anyway, rather unexpectedly, so we see how it goes

Grateful for:

1) got to see groovy house yesterday in Hot Springs
2) good chance or at least fair chance that we WILL in fact have a way to move in there
3) gave myself opp to discuss this possibility with current home landlady/roomate, something whihc i thought would be very hard, impossible, BAD. Turned out it was the right thing to do, to not be all silent and spring it on someone at the last minute but instead makes things better for everyone. It's not often i take initiative to do things like this bc i am too a'scaird nmost of the time of making mistakes/making things worse so it's great I did this - and it seemed to work out OK
4) IF we move grateful that we will have opp to be on our own again instead of sharing which has its good pts but mainly annoyances insofar as above paragraphs
5) IF we move grateful to be in a town/place i have always wanted to be in
6) IF we move then chance to deal with storage unit stuff in an easier way
7) more cool morning walks - managed to get up early for 6th time in a row
8) got more sleep last nite


already late today and yesterday sort of fell off the productivity wagon but still can do things today

1) clean up room, looks crappy again
2) DL
3) sub things to mags (at least one and prep 4, or do 5, at some pt need to make organized excel or sthg)
4) share photos of book with mom
5) event
6) clean email inbox
7) TF entry - 2

IF TIME: video finish, art o/s, new fiverr gig, start sub excel, find JH Dkos teacher entry

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