Thursday, September 29, 2016

Wednesday Grats and THoughts

grateful for

- being home again and seeing the kitty!!!!!!! The big cute orange furball. the "golden fluffy love pig"
- youtube video editing software - supremely limited but surprisingly robust, and makes up for fact i had to give up Final Cut when computer died
- clarity regarding future goals for next 3 months even though none of the goals fill me with any joy or satisfaction as of yet
- it was nice being able to go on a trip and see great ppl from the past and meet great new ppl, it is always good to hear different POV
- tentatively feeling better in spite of shite diet, but we'll see

my one thing 

is still way too big and still not getting done/started till late in the day

very frustrated by my seeming inability to set realistic goals about tasks and things. To me it points to an endemic habit of not producing or utilizing time correctly, so when i actually DO CARE about getting things done, i cant.

I have no choice but to be patient with myself and forgive the fact i set up dynamics for being unproductive and unaccountable in my life that i have to pay for now

all i really want is to get to the end of the day (and 9pm, NOT 3am like last nite) and have actually completed what i said i would. Very simple.

The obvious response is to have a very brainless and easy low-common-denominator list and maybe i just need to go back to that

so today

- finish the task of yesterday (2 videos, almost done with one)
- upload weekend photos to facebook & tag ppl
- DL biz as usual
- computer notate yesterday's notes
- email clean up 1 hour


anything above that is gravy
REFLECTIONS: Well... clean slate Monday was a bit of a bust as the day/night went on. Little guy was sent home from school with high fever.  Late night he started complaining about pain in his right side... repeatedly... which lead us to questions appendicitis.... so off to the hospital, who decided their tests were inconclusive and transferred little dude (with me) to the Children's Hospital about an hour away.... All in all, he's fine.  No appendicitis.  Mild pneumonia!  So shocked.  My big goal right now is to keep him healthy and reboot is immune system.  

So needless to say, life happened with complete disregard to my plans!  Getting back on track sleep wise was quite challenging pulling an almost all nighter... but I managed today to get up at 6:00 a.m. despite wanting to stay in bed.  I plan on getting my workout in shortly and taking all my supplements with breakfast- things I committed to this week. 

Things I will do differently this week: Today I'll focus on healthy eating, 4 meals, protein intake

Create and follow a schedule- (update: I worked on it until I had to pick up little guy from school)
Be prepared for the day, before my family wakes up (update: hasn't happened yet) 
Take all of my supplements (update: doing well with this!) 
Focus on 4 meals, 100 grams of protein and lots of nutrition veggies (update:really not happening) 
Exercise daily (update: also no success as of yet) 
Do fun (hopefully free) activities with my daughter while my son is at school(update:again... as above) 
Get out and do 2 things for myself that are fulfilling spiritually and emotionally(update: 2 fun things on the calendar from Friday and Saturday!  Want to get out for yoga at some point this weekend) 

-I am so very grateful that people are starting to have uncomfortable conversations so we can move forward in this country.
-I am so very grateful that this election has brought to surface all of the hidden prejeudices and stereotypes and biases because without them bobbing to surface we can't try to break them down.
-I am grateful for Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood- my kids are obsessed with it and the messages are so good AND I read and article that showed kids who watch DTN were more socially aware and kind to others.
-I am so very grateful that we may have free community college available to us- I cross my fingers- I'm already looking at courses I can take and certificates I can complete in 2017/18!  I know I'm jumping the gun but I really want to get my personal training certification and take some art classes!

WHAT I'M DOING TODAY TO WIN AT LIFE: I'm staying organized and on schedule and on top of my game.

Daily Non-Negotiables 
-take supplements
-stretch and meditate 
-30 minute 21 Day Fix workout  or 5K prep
-use meal plan tracker
-is this 5K prep day?
-shower/look beautiful/wear one piece of jewelry

New/Carry-Over To Do Today
-organize the desk
-organize my work stuff
-organize my yoga stuff
-check in on CRCD balance and pay off
-review finances 
-mail out S4S benefit cards
-make a weekly schedule again
-do monthly calendars for October, November, December  
-do something creative
-deep clean bedrooms, vacuum behind beds, under the furniture and clean the baseboard heater
-get laundry away
-clean and put back Teeny Tiny's carpet
-change sheets on the beds
-finish cleaning the bathroom
-start decorating the downstair playroom
-start clearing out the gym again
-hang up shelf in office 
*Bonus- clean the picture frames and put some pics in and possibly hang up


-Run 5K: Comments: Need to make a running schedule 
-Size 4 or 125: I'm drifting further and further... joining a heath and fitness accountability group on 10/5
-Put on another phenomenal charity event: First meeting with my partner today 
-Make a vision board: Need to get ink for my printer
-Figure out a work situation that works for me AND pays! Still need to talk with boss.  
-Throw my kids an art birthday party: Working on this.  Found a mobile art truck.  Kind of expensive though. 
-Host a killer Thanksgiving: Stated watching on streaming food network, thanksgiving recipes- jotted them down in the notes section of my phone.  

-Wake up between 4:30-6:00 a.m. every week day- Got up at 6:00 today!  It's a start.  (1/30) 

Monday, September 26, 2016

additonal gratitude: photos!!

Figured out how to auto upload my photos from my phone to Google :D

nashville Schnazzville

First, I have to get this out of the way:

Nashville is an Epic Dissappointment, even more so because we have very very low standards and very few needs.

One bloody cup of flavoured coffee. That's it! And yet this huge metropolis is incapable of delivering that small thing.

anyway. moving on.


1. I got to see some great old family & friends at bro's this weekend (yes, the cake was for him, it was a surprise so i didn't want to post about it too much tee hee) and see his lovely new house and overall make the trip

2. in spite of uber coffee annoyance today, grateful that we chose to stay in hotel room instead so that needed naps happened

3. meeting JH's brother was pretty epic and life changing for reasons I will write about later (if i can make it so that i can dedicate the hour or so to it without feeling too pinched elsewhere in life)

4. seeing again ppl from the past/from college whom i had the impression thought i was rubbish (bc i was so fucked up back then in every sense of the word) but it was all so nice that i must've been wrong. Always good to think that ppl thought better of you than you thought 

5. i actualy really did enjoy getting weirdly lost in mid Kentucky and driving around for 2+ hours - technically we were not lost we were avoiding a bad accident site/epic backup on the freeway and 

6. thanks to phone gps for giving us the map/route to plan an alternate to sitting on the freeway for 3+ hours instead of inetersting epic ride for 2+ hours

To Do

There are things I want to do but am having trouble committing to them bc there's all the other things I'm committed to systematizing that got upended due to travelling around this weekend, and prob not getting home will weds but here they are in general the things i want to do

- edit + upload on facebook photos of weekend
- DL biz left behind
- octo biz left behind
- clear out email inbox

Things on future:
scan and/or mail dwgs
finish the daily videos
Ma blogs  (did one, want to do more)
cancel weird youtube thing that's charging me $10 a month
some stu. loan thing
make Bowie art
finish wood arts photo/catalogue process
post video links
some sort of banner for here
create/print cake recipe, Luz' version
photo/photoshop remaining art pieces (let's use a decent light source this time, eh?)
sell diffeent things

(yoga, in parends bc lost the habit so have to find it again 1st)
The One Thing
(art/creative, same thing) 
(book read, off computer by 10p)
(online class IE now it's the mental thing - including 'criticism' and other articles/video)
octo push to groups (from one to 10)

DL for the week
DIH for the week
OCTO push to fan pages (prob eveyr 2 weeks)
(emailother outreach various ventures)
(submissions - JH wtg/AA art)
($ org)
(basic clean)

($ orgs spreadsheet like before)
(mega clean/chuck stuff)
one goal/project
one video (even if small, on spec, etc)
(plan sub venues/calendars/update spreadsheets
one fitness challenge (at least every other month)

collect 100 rejections re submissions (per this  -in addition to this,
actually place something & get paid

more ideas later, though ti would be nice to cinch these ideas b4 adding more

Clean Slate Monday: A Fresh New Start!

REFLECTIONS: It's Clean Slate Monday! What does that mean?  That means that anything that once may have been a truth, as near as yesterday, is erased today.  It's a fresh start.  It's an opportunity to live life by design.  It's an opportunity to say "I am going to do things differently today and the past is irrelevant".  It's a hopeful place!  I've even decided to "clear the slate" mid week, and even mid day at times... but Monday is the most instinctual place for me to take a do-over!

I haven't been the nicest, mom/wife over the past few days.  Super grouchy.  I'm not taking my supplements, my sleep patterns are off, I'm not eating terribly but my diet is lacking lots of greens, and I'm literally flying by the seat of my pants.  This week I'm going to focus on getting back on track, and getting to a place where I feel good about the person I am and where the people around me feel loved and cared for.

Things I will do differently this week: 
Create and follow a schedule
Be prepared for the day, before my family wakes up
Take all of my supplements
Focus on 4 meals, 100 grams of protein and lots of nutrition veggies
Exercise daily
Do fun (hopefully free) activities with my daughter while my son is at school
Get out and do 2 things for myself that are fulfilling spiritually and emotionally

-I am so grateful that the sun rises and we can begin again
-I am so grateful for spiritual teachings and perspective
-I am so grateful for amazon and grocery delivery- two modern day conveniences that I'm super dependent upon
-I am so grateful for my friends who are so incredibly supportive
-I am so grateful for the TONS of fun things that I get to do in life!
-I am so grateful for the inspiration and good feelings this song give me: Brand New Day

WHAT I'M DOING TODAY TO WIN AT LIFE: I'm already off my meal plan for the day.. I can just start now and salvage the day... 

Daily Non-Negotiables 
-take supplements
-stretch and meditate 
-30 minute 21 Day Fix workout  or 5K prep
-use meal plan tracker
-refresh house- dishes away, clean kitchen, make beds, 
-is this 5K prep day?
-shower/look beautiful/wear one piece of jewelry

New/Carry-Over To Do Today
-organize the desk
-organize my work stuff
-organize my yoga stuff
-check in on CRCD balance and pay off
-review finances 
-mail out S4S benefit cards
-make a weekly schedule again
-do monthly calendars for October, November, December 
-do something creative
-deep clean bedrooms, vacuum behind beds, under the furniture and clean the baseboard heater
-get laundry away
-clean and put back Teeny Tiny's carpet
-change sheets on the beds
-finish cleaning the bathroom
-start decorating the downstair playroom
-start clearing out the gym again
-hang up shelf in office 
*Bonus- clean the picture frames and put some pics in and possibly hang up


-Run 5K: Comments: Need to make a running schedule 
-Size 4 or 125: First goal is to really feel comfortable in my size 6 new lucky jeans... they feel as comfortable as sweatpants and I want to live in them... just a little muffin topish! LOL! 
-Put on another phenomenal charity event: This is coming along great!  Made a promo video everyone really enjoyed.  
-Make a vision board: Need to get ink for my printer
-Figure out a work situation that works for me AND pays! Talking to my boss today.  
-Throw my kids an art birthday party: Working on this.  Found a mobile art truck.  Kind of expensive though. 
-Host a killer Thanksgiving: Stated watching on streaming food network, thanksgiving recipes- jotted them down in the notes section of my phone.  
-Wake up between 4:30-6:00 a.m. every week day- try as I might... 

Friday, September 23, 2016

PPF and Gratitudes and Drawing

[USUAL DISCLAIMER: IF you have received an invite to participate in this blog, it's because I feel like it is something that you would enjoy and derive benefit from, to participate in this exercise.

The idea is to come on here (doesn't have to be daily but it certainly can) and write a brief post on what you're grateful about, etc. or any other thing that you feel helps your process

The idea is that both the practice of writing it down as well as the sharing with a community of equally grateful people will create a virtuous cycle of good cheer and joy and blessings of every sort.

If you would like to participate, send me a message & I will add you :) ]

joining up to Paint Party Friday

Today Grateful For

1) Kristen & Eva and the awesome Paint Party Friday that allows us to share our arts! I've been participating, off & on since 2012. I know it's running on its 6th year and i pray we see many more

2) finishing (at most I might add a background) this whimsical birthday drawing I made for a great friend ('Sky' will know who it's for :D) These are all elements important to her, in particular the doggie in the middle is her fur baby.

This was simply drawing pencils + watercolour pencils. As I said, mostly done, though i might do the background a special colour, I havent decided yet

3) figured out that (I think) drinking lemon juice before bed helps me feel good upon waking up, wheras without it, if I have not been uber careful with my diet, I wake up feeling sort of unwell. This is paving the way, also, for doing a Master Cleans in the future bc i am getting direct feedback that eating little, eating pure, and lemon juice help me, which may mean i have been exposed to some toxicity or other. IN any event it's great re lemon juice

4) the car fixing ppl replaced the catalytic converter free of charge bc it had malfunctioned even after their having replaced it 3 weeks ago or something. We were afraid we were going to be out MORE $, even

5) didn't ahve to be on computer hardly at all yestrerday, and not at all after 5pm!! was able to just hang out, cook, and read (novel concept) and go to bed b4 midnite. That's how iwant it to be always there is something great re off computer by 10pm. Hopefully earlier

earlier phase of project, as posted on instagram

Tasks For Today:

One Thing
pack & load car -  all done save food/bathroom stuff/technology

other things
PPF commenting as much as i can
scan + edit pic (it didn't all fit in scanner, sadly, then off to recipient)
DL for today
Octo (at least one)
potato juice
one ma blog
REFLECTIONS: What stands in your way? Why is it so incredibly easy to do some things, but not others?  Because... knowing is half the battle, right?  I bet I could come up with a handful of controllable circumstances that, if I could tackle, would help me be a more productive, accomplished, and calm person.  I find that with accomplishment and productivity, comes stress.  I bet procrastination is at play.. as well as... wait for it... my theme of 2016... staying up too late.  Oh just go to bed already! LOL

-I am so very grateful for the daily practice of reflection!  
-I am so very grateful that making a gratitude list is quite easy
-I am grateful for the incredible friends I've made in my new city- lots of really down to earth- way cool people. 
-I am so grateful for my husband who works so hard for our family
-I am grateful for my resilience- it helps keep me on track with doing the right thing for my family when it can be all too easy to give up
-I am grateful for all of the conveniences in my city- EVERYTHING I need is at my fingertips

WHAT I'M DOING TODAY TO WIN AT LIFE: I'm already off my meal plan for the day.. I can just start now and salvage the day... 

Daily Non-Negotiables 
-30 minute 21 Day Fix workout 
-use meal plan tracker
-refresh house- dishes away, clean kitchen, make beds, 
-is this 5K prep day?
-shower/look beautiful/wear one piece of jewelry

New/Carry-Over To Do Today
-make prenatal resource book and get fears worksheet ready and email sign up
-check in on CRCD balance and pay off
-review finances 
-finish folding laundry and put away 
-put presents away 
-finish addressing thank you cards
-mail out cards
-figure out how to make mailing labels from excel 
-label S4S benefit concert post cards
-start working on addresses for S4S benefit concert 
-make a weekly schedule again
-do something creative
*Bonus- clean the picture frames and put some pics in and possibly hang up


-Run 5K: Comments: Need to make a running schedule 
-Size 4 or 125: First goal is to really feel comfortable in my size 6 new lucky jeans... they feel as comfortable as sweatpants and I want to live in them... just a little muffin topish! LOL! 
-Put on another phenomenal charity event: Got some emails out, rehearsal dates squared away almost
-Make a vision board: Need to get ink for my printer
-Figure out a work situation that works for me AND pays! After taxes and babysitting I am making crap money. I think I figured out what I need to do. 
-Throw my kids an art birthday party: Working on this.  Found a mobile art truck.  Kind of expensive though. 
-Host a killer Thanksgiving: This will be no problem. :)  I need to start collecting all my Thanksgiving recipes and table setting ideas somewhere... probably Pinterist unless it's possible to categorize here... I'm not so familiar with blogging. 
-Wake up between 4:30-6:00 a.m. every week day

Thursday, September 22, 2016


I am starting to feel like I'm no longer treading water.  I had been feeling this stagnant sense of unproductive existence.  I'm moving forward and digging out or rather swimming?  Idk what metaphor I'm using LOL!  And this is because I'm too tired... staying up way to late, not getting enough sleep and sleeping until almost 7:00... none of which are helping me achieve my goals. Top of mind focus for me for the rest of the year... good rest.  It's healing. 

On the career front-  'm realizing how much I don't enjoy my current job.  I know it will transform within a couple of years and I will be a trainer./coach.. but in the meantime, the current job I'm doing is so heavily administrative and monotonous.  That's just NOT me.  I don't know how much of that I have in me.  Must keep brainstorming on this. Is it worth it to stay put for now to set myself up for a really good situation a couple of years from now?  My inclination is yes but UGH.  

My life? In general though, I find that a get "stressed out" quite a bit and I realize that it is JUST a state of mind.  Nothing more.  When I step back and ask why I'm stressed and I look at what that is, I actually can note that that stressor isn't necessary, I don't have to do it, everything will be fine if it falls to the wayside... stress is so interesting... may be a focus of mine over the next month.  Why stress? 

Today I am so very grateful...

-for my Toms... they are my second favorite pair of casual sneakers I have every owned

-for actually finding two new articles of clothing that I LOVE to add to my wardrobe

-for being able to spend time with my kids :) 

-for nourishing, healthy food

-for a comfortable, warm bed to sleep in every night

-for my intensely purple nail polish!!  

WHAT I'M DOING TODAY TO WIN AT LIFE: Diet was better even moreso yesterday and today so far starting out very good.  I have to give up the popcorn at night... It's necessary.  What I need to do is get into bed and shut down electronics and read! I got some new books for my birthday and I should see if I can hit my goal of completing 6 books this year... I know sounds pathetic...  I used to, back in my early 20's, read somewhere close to 80 per year but with kids it's impossible right now...  

Basically... I'm winning at life because I'm alive and motivated and inspired. 

What I could be doing better... well I said it before... I need to go to sleep so I can wake up early!! Waking up early is crucial to the whole routine.  I have not been making it up before 6:30... it's been more like 6:50... I've been pushing to the limit... I need to fox this.   

Daily Non-Negotiables 
-30 minute 21 Day Fix workout 
-use meal plan tracker
-refresh house- dishes away, clean kitchen, make beds, 
-is this 5K prep day?
-shower/look beautiful/wear one piece of jewelry

New/Carry-Over To Do Today
-make prenatal resource book and get fears worksheet ready and email sign up
-check in on CRCD balance and pay off
-review finances 
-finish folding laundry and put away 
-put presents away 
-finish addressing thank you cards
-mail out cards
-figure out how to make mailing labels from excel 
-label S4S benefit concert post cards
-start working on addresses for S4S benefit concert 
-make a weekly schedule again
-do something creative
*Bonus- clean the picture frames and put some pics in and possibly hang up


-Run 5K: Comments: Need to make a running schedule 
-Size 4 or 125: First goal is to really feel comfortable in my size 6 new lucky jeans... they feel as comfortable as sweatpants and I want to live in them... just a little muffin topish! LOL! 
-Put on another phenomenal charity event: Got some emails out, rehearsal dates squared away almost
-Make a vision board: Need to get ink for my printer
-Figure out a work situation that works for me AND pays! After taxes and babysitting I am making crap money. I think I figured out what I need to do. 
-Throw my kids an art birthday party: Working on this.  Found a mobile art truck.  Kind of expensive though. 
-Host a killer Thanksgiving: This will be no problem. :)  I need to start collecting all my Thanksgiving recipes and table setting ideas somewhere... probably Pinterist unless it's possible to categorize here... I'm not so familiar with blogging. 
-Wake up between 4:30-6:00 a.m. every week day

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What I'm Grateful for Today

Thanks to Alicia for the opportunity to spill thoughts through this forum. This is what I'm also grateful for today:

  • My fabulous trip to Hamilton, MO to visit Missouri Star Quilt Co. and bask in the wonder of mountains of fabric.
  • Arriving home safe after many, many, many hours in a car.
  • My daughter (and her husband)'s generosity for pet-sitting while we were away.
  • The good news I heard from my son re his new job.
  • My wonderful circle of friends

brief for 9/21/16

TO RECAP (for invitees)

IF you have received an invite to participate in this blog, it's because I feel like it is something that you would enjoy and derive benefit from, to participate in this exercise.

The idea is to come on here (doesn't have to be daily but it certainly can) and write a brief post on what you're grateful about, etc. or any other thing that you feel helps your process

The idea is that both the practice of writing it down as well as the sharing with a community of equally grateful people will create a virtuous cycle of good cheer and joy and blessings of every sort.

And if you've never used Blogger before, if you have a gmail account, then you automatically have a Blogger account.

Grateful for

- finally finished cake, and though i had doubts as to how it came out, the person who tried the sample said it was very good! It took forever & it was first time making it and it is a gift for someone I've never met before, so that's awesome 

it is this, though the recipe i used is slightly different, given to me by a baker friend in Chile

- in spite of late bed woke up early enough to go to coffee shop, which i love

- though it doesn't really mean anything, i am getting good traction/feedback on my instagram page! I have so much fun doing it, too, so it's good to see stuff happening there

- neighbor told us it WAS recycling day after all, which allows us to not make a mistake

- in general always grateful to have had a chance to stay at mom's house i enjoy it there so much, the house, the kitties, the neighborhood, etc.

Plans and Stuff

I was not intending to do this but the Equinox is making my brain work or something. Am seeing a layout for how things could be planned/carried out 

The important thing is to not JUST SEE IT but IMPLEMENT IT though obv. you can't implement it till you can see it so this seems worth the effort

The One Thing:

Other Things: 
clean up house b4 vacating

Things on future:
scan and/or mail dwgs
finish the daily videos
pack for trip to Nashville (never been there b4!)
Ma blogs 
cancel weird youtube thing that's charging me $10 a month
some stu. loan thing
make Bowie art
finish wood arts photo/catalogue process
post video links
some sort of banner for here
create/print cake recipe, Luz' version
photo/photoshop remaining art pieces (let's use a decent light source this time, eh?)

(yoga, in parends bc lost the habit so have to find it again 1st)
The One Thing
(art/creative, same thing) 
(book read, off computer by 10p)
(online class IE now it's the mental thing - including 'criticism' and other articles/video)
octo push to groups (from one to 10)

DL for the week
DIH for the week
OCTO push to fan pages (prob eveyr 2 weeks)
(emailother outreach various ventures)
(submissions - JH wtg/AA art)
($ org)
(basic clean)

($ orgs spreadsheet like before)
(mega clean/chuck stuff)
one goal/project
one video (even if small, on spec, etc)
(plan sub venues/calendars/update spreadsheets
one fitness challenge (at least every other month)

collect 100 rejections re submissions (per this  -in addition to this,
actually place something & get paid

more ideas later, though ti would be nice to cinch these ideas b4 adding more

Long Term Things:
next-level in terms of monetizing DL (poss requiring some Grand Strategy)
kickstarter (is that going to happen or not)
Dr. checkup at holistic clinic (I need $300 for that, basically)
fitness programme (prob after dr)
clear out storage
sell things (IE above pt)
fiverr $$ making (art etc)
etsy or some other form wood art sales
yoga practice
JH wtg sub success
AA art or whatnot success
creating/selling teaching book
proper marketing ebooks
REFLECTIONS: Hello Wednesday!  I am happy to report that one kid is better enough to go back to school, another is on the mend and I have somehow avoided the really bad kid gunk so far in that I haven't gotten some crazy fever like they both did.  Yay first week of school germs!! 

So I pretty much have decided that I can't keep my babysitter and work. I have to just work while my little girl sleeps, before both kids wake up, and either at night or on the weekend for this to make sense.... OR.... the other option is to try and take on a few more yoga teaching gigs that are during hours when my husband is home.  The only problem with that is that is is time away from him and the family.  The plan is to first tell sitter tomorrow and give her 3 weeks notice.  From there, I will try the job thing just during the hours she sleeps and see if I can work this out.  It just requires a bit more discipline on my part.  Discipline and organization.  I wish that I was keeping track of how many times since I started this post I've gotten up for something... diaper change, tissue to blow nose, water, blocks, scarves, 3 different music videos ... it's her new favorite thing... watching Bob Marley and Jack Johnson videos :) Anyway... trying to do anything with a Toddler takes forever.  That's just the truth.  Look- I even inadvertently capitalized the word "toddler".... like she's a diety! LOL 

Today I am so very grateful...

-for this space to write and reflect.  I've missed doing this.  

-for the moments of peace I can find between the moments of chaos 

-for an amazing yoga nidra class last night 

-for the wonderful people who teach, and help, and serve 

-that I have self awareness 

-for the love of my family and my friends

WHAT I'M DOING TODAY TO WIN AT LIFE: I've been doing great sticking with my workouts.  I haven't been doing that great on the diet front.  In my humble opinion- It's seriously so hard to stick so "strictly" to any sort of eating plan unless your hobby or job depends upon it- the bottom line is that I go to events, I eat out, I go to parties and I am NOT bringing my own food :) ... I eat well, I don't eat junk (for the most part save rare occasions) and I don't insanely overeat ever.  To attain some of those "ideal" fitness looks, you just HAVE to give up certain things... the bikini competitor look is NOT sustainable even for them.  They have special diets that they adhere to for the weeks leading up to competition... it's not even how THEY walk around and it's their "job" or at least their passion.  So, I've accepted to what degree I will attain my goals in my mind. I've been REALLY impressed with how well the Beach Body workouts work.  21DFX give amazing results in my opinion. So I'll keep at it.  The BEST thing I could do for myself right now to help with my fitness?  Eat more regularly, not skip meals, workout early because I don't like working out after I have eaten, and GO THE F%$K TO SLEEP at a reasonable hour! Seriously.  Go to sleep. 

Daily Non-Negotiables 
-30 minute 21 Day Fix workout 
-use meal plan tracker
-refresh house- dishes away, clean kitchen, make beds, 
-is this 5K prep day?
-shower/look beautiful/wear one piece of jewelry

New/Carry-Over To Do Today
-make prenatal resource book and get fears worksheet ready and email sign up
-check in on CRCD balance and pay off
-review finances 
-finish folding laundry and put away 
-put presents away 
-finish addressing thank you cards
-mail out cards
-figure out how to make mailing labels from excel 
-label S4S benefit concert post cards
-start working on addresses for S4S benefit concert 
-make a weekly schedule again
-do something creative
*Bonus- clean the picture frames and put some pics in and possibly hang up


-Run 5K: Comments: Need to make a running schedule 
-Size 4 or 125: Got back to the workout yesterday the eating was going ok until night time.  Stayed up too late. 
-Put on another phenomenal charity event: More details to follow about "phenomenal" 
-Make a vision board: Need to get ink for my printer
-Figure out a work situation that works for me AND pays! After taxes and babysitting I am making crap money. I think I figured out what I need to do. 
-Throw my kids an art birthday party: Working on this.  Found a mobile art truck.  Kind of expensive though. 
-Host a killer Thanksgiving: This will be no problem. :)  I need to start collecting all my Thanksgiving recipes and table setting ideas somewhere... probably Pinterist unless it's possible to categorize here... I'm not so familiar with blogging. 
-Wake up between 4:30-6:00 a.m. every week day