IF you have received an invite to participate in this blog, it's because I feel like it is something that you would enjoy and derive benefit from, to participate in this exercise.
The idea is to come on here (doesn't have to be daily but it certainly can) and write a brief post on what you're grateful about, etc. or any other thing that you feel helps your process
The idea is that both the practice of writing it down as well as the sharing with a community of equally grateful people will create a virtuous cycle of good cheer and joy and blessings of every sort.
And if you've never used Blogger before, if you have a gmail account, then you automatically have a Blogger account.
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this was a great sunrise i experience in January |
- finally went to dentist
- looks like no major work will be needed, and possibly no filling at all either!!
- dental hygienist told me that i have great teeth for my age and that i seem to be healthy because of the way my gums are!! This is very great for me bc for some reason the older i get the more paranoid/hypochondria i get so it's good to have some sort of health professsional think I'm doing OK
- finished a lot of work of the week early in the week
- went to hypnotherapist over the weekend and it was a very positive experience, I think it even helped me with finishing things over the weeekend (though there are still sizeable issues i have to deal with in terms of the public)
- getting along great with family and loved ones
- get to go to Nashville TN over weekend to mee Jim's bro, whom I've never met b4. And that he's gracious enough to front us gas $$, so I'm baking a cake in gratitude
MY thing has been over the past few months has beeen to create a sense of things being accomplished, of an Important THing being accomplished, and other thiings that I want to have happen, happen
the idea is to end the day with a sense that i accomplished something important/that will brink me forward and the sense that one thing was accomplished
The One Thing:
CAKE (most likely, still a chacne i'll tackle this tomorrow)
Other Things: (wooo crazy font change, there)
drawing owed
Things on future:
pack for trip to Nashville (never been there b4!)
Ma blogs
mail things
cancel weird youtube thing that's charging me $10 a month
some stu. loan thing
make Bowie art
finish wood arts photo/catalogue process
Long Term Things:
next-level in terms of monetizing DL (poss requiring some Grand Strategy)
kickstarter (is that going to happen or not)
Dr. checkup at holistic clinic (I need $300 for that, basically)
fitness programme (prob after dr)
clear out storage
sell things (IE above pt)
fiverr $$ making (art etc)
etsy or some other form wood art sales
Absolutely love Nashville! I hope you have a really amazing time! Can't wait to hear about it. Love all of your plans and plots but especially the Bowie art! Excited to see it. Just wondering... do you make videos? Let's say someone gave you video/audio footage and maybe some audio content and all the written stuff, could you splice it all together and create a "commercial" for lack of a better word?
ReplyDeleteoh yeah funny you should mention that, that's one of the projects I am working on, LOL! My youtube channel has all the videos I have been responsible for editing but i will pick and choose some and post them in my next post or maybe the day after if the weekend doesn't get me
ReplyDeleteLet's talk! Maybe I could have you do a project for me? It's kind of time sensitive, not sure I can afford you, and I'm not sure how much you have on your plate already! But let's talk!