On the career front- 'm realizing how much I don't enjoy my current job. I know it will transform within a couple of years and I will be a trainer./coach.. but in the meantime, the current job I'm doing is so heavily administrative and monotonous. That's just NOT me. I don't know how much of that I have in me. Must keep brainstorming on this. Is it worth it to stay put for now to set myself up for a really good situation a couple of years from now? My inclination is yes but UGH.
My life? In general though, I find that a get "stressed out" quite a bit and I realize that it is JUST a state of mind. Nothing more. When I step back and ask why I'm stressed and I look at what that is, I actually can note that that stressor isn't necessary, I don't have to do it, everything will be fine if it falls to the wayside... stress is so interesting... may be a focus of mine over the next month. Why stress?
Today I am so very grateful...
-for my Toms... they are my second favorite pair of casual sneakers I have every owned
-for actually finding two new articles of clothing that I LOVE to add to my wardrobe
-for being able to spend time with my kids :)
-for nourishing, healthy food
-for a comfortable, warm bed to sleep in every night
-for my intensely purple nail polish!!
WHAT I'M DOING TODAY TO WIN AT LIFE: Diet was better even moreso yesterday and today so far starting out very good. I have to give up the popcorn at night... It's necessary. What I need to do is get into bed and shut down electronics and read! I got some new books for my birthday and I should see if I can hit my goal of completing 6 books this year... I know sounds pathetic... I used to, back in my early 20's, read somewhere close to 80 per year but with kids it's impossible right now...
Basically... I'm winning at life because I'm alive and motivated and inspired.
What I could be doing better... well I said it before... I need to go to sleep so I can wake up early!! Waking up early is crucial to the whole routine. I have not been making it up before 6:30... it's been more like 6:50... I've been pushing to the limit... I need to fox this.
Daily Non-Negotiables
-30 minute 21 Day Fix workout
-use meal plan tracker
-refresh house- dishes away, clean kitchen, make beds,
-shower/look beautiful/wear one piece of jewelry
New/Carry-Over To Do Today
-check in on CRCD balance and pay off
-review finances
-finish folding laundry and put away
-label S4S benefit concert post cards
-start working on addresses for S4S benefit concert
-make a weekly schedule again
-do something creative
*Bonus- clean the picture frames and put some pics in and possibly hang up
-Run 5K: Comments: Need to make a running schedule
-Size 4 or 125: First goal is to really feel comfortable in my size 6 new lucky jeans... they feel as comfortable as sweatpants and I want to live in them... just a little muffin topish! LOL!
-Put on another phenomenal charity event: Got some emails out, rehearsal dates squared away almost
-Make a vision board: Need to get ink for my printer
-Figure out a work situation that works for me AND pays! After taxes and babysitting I am making crap money. I think I figured out what I need to do.
-Throw my kids an art birthday party: Working on this. Found a mobile art truck. Kind of expensive though.
-Host a killer Thanksgiving: This will be no problem. :) I need to start collecting all my Thanksgiving recipes and table setting ideas somewhere... probably Pinterist unless it's possible to categorize here... I'm not so familiar with blogging.
-Wake up between 4:30-6:00 a.m. every week day
i think one of the most frustrating things to me and i am hearing that with you re the sleep, is the real and inmovable limits of the old sack of flesh IE the need for 7 or 8 hours of sleep. There are so many seemingly immovable limits we have to navegate and when the schedule is already full up, how do we add more things we want?
ReplyDeleteam so happy though that you are feeling more into things! it is so much more enjoyable to feel like good things are happening