Sunday, March 10, 2019

52 weeks 1st update

1/4 way mark

Done shockingly well. Hoping to keep forth efforts.

Was scheduled this week to evaluate efforts and, so far, efforts are good.

One thing that I had wondered at this stage is housing permanence. Basically, 'no news is good news.' So we will proceed

As well Jim surgery on Apr 18th, so that was taken into account

Some cleaning-type things were moved around

Pest problem was never truly solved because it required investments I didn't feel I had. As soon as that's resolved I get to it.

Other than that, moving forward, I see this as good. I may have another review end of Spring (I should put that in)

here I put things that would be good that were left out of original fit, but integrated below (after completing: only things didn't find a home for was writing process things. That's because writing and sub is supposed to be weekly and ongoing and so far have managed to pursue/complete that even within this framework)
- org/consol data HD
- get bug stuff
- org spare room
- pay off cc -  a big Fail, the book AMazon method was failing. This has been the only dissappointment this year. I believed Amazon would be more useful than it's ended up being.  Maybe add as a weekly item to fix that/establish systems for it. 
- proper writing calendar/schedule of submitted/to submit (submittable and beyond), things I want to write TO, & things I want to write about
- write-a-thon (IE fulfill above AMAP for a week)
- redo password stupidity (overhaul, redo, store, etc)

1. clean, unclutter, reorganize front porch so it looks somewhat less ghetto
2. really organize and sort thru paperwork, find it a new home and put the important ones in a rational, searchable place (medic and inheritance ones)
3. get real system for selling the stuff online going (including where to store)
4. finish really old box of receipts (or did I already do that???? if so, freebie :D)
5. reinvigorate various art promo newsletters etc campaigns for our wood art (including plan for making it sustainable) - what's needed here is a tutorial on best way to mailchimp

(feb 3) - NOTE: contingent on if J decides to Part 2 re hip surgery at this or another time
6. eliminate kitchen pests part 1 (mice) FEB 3
7. go thru clothes conveyances in bedroom, clean out, eliminate stuff, etc FEB 10
8. eliminate kitchen pests BUY THE SHIT!!!  FEB17
9.  serious clean/declutter my desk area (including better usage for storage and eliminate or fix nonworking printer)  FEB 24

(march 3) NOTE: online sales going throughout
10. serious clean/declutter kitchen desk area (possibly eliminate? Have only one desk area WOULD be desirable)e
11.  EVALUATION: how things have gone, how things look going fwd (including how life has gone or liable to go) by know I will know if in fact the rest of year doable 3/10 
12. come up with credible list of new art selling prospects (venues, galleries, etc) 3/17
13. actually contact the motherfuckers re item 11 3/24
14. scour art media and credible list of who to contact (press) 3/31 buy bug stuff

(apr 7) - NOTE: Poss begin art market at this time and other sale ventures
15. contact above folks (emails, press releases, etc) - also with the one bloke 4/07
16. finally print promo materials Vistaprint etc (poss redesign) 4/14 JH Surgery; Blk Mtn at most thru 4/30
17. follow up as needed items 13 and 15 4/21
18. plan sthg credible for J & J b-day 4/28 Trailfest

(may 5) NOTE: poss have one or a couple yard sales
19. some sort of J birthday greeting/redo cc payoff strategy (TF, Amazon, Ebay, list lots of stuff, start ebay, etc) 5/05
20. credible J birthday experience??/continue above (do ebay thing)  5/12
21. credible J birthday experience??/continue above (do Amazon more) 5/19
22. org back bedroom/continue above 5/24 Beacon of Hope Yard Sale

(june 2) NOTE: supposedly have been having $ to pay off cc by now (FAIL)
23. semi aggressive sale push for remaining stuff 6/2 yard sale?
24. cull stuff from in house (toss, give away, organise, etc PART 1 (INSIDE house: give furniture away) 6/09
25. cull stuff from in house (toss, give away, organise, etc PART 2 (OUTSIDE house: porch; screened area: give furniture away; carport; in studio move their shit to small shed) 6/16
26.   EVALUATION: how things have gone, how things look going fwd (including how life has gone or liable to go): 6/23
27. go thru boxes of papers in screened area PART 1 6/30

(july 7)
28. go thru boxes of papers in screened area PART 2 (success in both weeks is predicated on having laid hands on all boxes and seen contents and restored)
29. get rid of ALL THE CRAP that was not eliminated online or otherwise (a good trip to Goodwill)
30. revisit long-dead Patreon thing (hopefully grounds have been made already for something like a relaunch)
31. revisit and rephoto 93 paintings thing; see if any need touching up, fixing, etc

(aug 4) NOTE: by now supposed to be saving $ in other account (FAIL)
32. some sort of nephew birthday greeting/touch up paintings
33. begin remarketing/reintroducing 93 paintings thing
34. send postcard to last few patrons of 93 paintings (hilariously late)
35. some sort of bro birthday greeting/final push paintings

(sept 1)
36. find or plan xmas/bday gifts
37. whatever wasn't finished in boxes of paper, or fix art shed, or culling, or any other in-house declutter processes (prob a home for papers that have probably ended up cluttering the art shed)
38. EVALUATION: how things have gone, how things look going fwd (including how life has gone or liable to go) 
39. passwords overhaul
40. follow up various art comm things (34, 17)

(oct 6)
41. computery study PART 1 (prob network security shit, or poss PHP)
42. some sort of mum birthday greeting/computery study PART 2
43. computery study PART 3: some culmination/task
44. new HD backup/Azule backup 

(nov 3)
45. computery study PART 4
46. some sort of niece birthday greeting/computery study PART 5
47. computery study PART 6: some culmination/task
48. plan sthg credible for my b-day

(dec 1)
49. finish whatever gifts
50. send xmas cards!!!!!
51. do sthg credible re my b-day
52. EVALUATION: big evaluation re year
Saturnalia: Dec 29 - 31: do whatever the hell

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