Sunday, January 20, 2019

Monday and end of Jan

former rez at jobs

- made decision to go early video on Sat in spite of having told them I was going in PM; it was a good call because the roads froze up
- inviting nice people to my home always feels like a Fail because my house sometimes not so nice, LOL. It worked out; I even had snacks
- taking family up to jobs WAS risky because windy roads and they get carsick and overall risk, but also a good call; they really liked it
- failed at whatever my original intention was on TOS but blessedly the weird kerfuffle that resulted made me quite unwilling to continue participating which is a BLESSING because it was a horrific vice
- too much Netflix made me slow so.... that habitual fail. Still, managed to finish my list
- failed to have a Sunday meeting but there's always tomorrow
- weird tech fail of spending hours looking for photos that were actually on a different computer (duh)
- other weird tech fail re having multiple drafts of a Blogger page open and odd data loss (NBD but still sort of annoying)

Monday Bootcamp

- cancel scribd
- job download videos etc ipod camera
- job start newsletter (1 hrs) - write up re skillshare
- MA newsletter/organize audio/video files did all ones on this computer, later can look at HD
(write about surgery, novel, art in process, poss Casey)
- post MA videos to youtube
- gratitude piece JH + AA
- N Algren JH and AA??
- family meeting  good: J will apply to VIP Kids and I will pursue audio/radio options
- post 5 books + 5 DVD's Amazon
- 1 wood start
- book (get halfway thru RD Laing)
- music (Rach)
- look at WART or Blog Talk Radio, etc.

- chore list Monday (choose focus for week) Kitchen, in preparation for....

  • 52 weeks item: real old receipts + analyze expenses
  • chore lists complete 
  • finish 3 woods 
  • post 25 things online (ebay, amazon, etc)
  • 4 hours training (PHP, Joomla, routers, networking, VPN's)
  • 2 hours computer general reading 43/PC stuff
  • finish one book (or 1/2 a big one)
  • sub one wtg  
  • view next deadline  Gratitude/N Algren
  • go to one event/party  thing today counts
  • meet one new person (convo) Physics kid

Monthly goals -
  • clean/clear one area (take to Goodwill, massive clean, throw out trash - can be living room, office, back office, bedroom, etc front porch
  • send MA newsletter - good start with novel videos
  • Azule newsletter and grant stuff
  • finish one piece well of music
  • review emails and populate pub calendar and upcoming deadlines
  • host an event/party (even if just casual/few ppl) JBerh and C - line came over (separately) and family

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