Thursday, January 17, 2019


my task for today was to streamline online sales

all goes thru



Etsy (in future because fees)


random crap
poss tarot readings
art (?? not convinced re this)



Goal: sell as many books as possible
use funds to pay off CC
after that, use funds to save $
1. Google spreadsheet to track sales
2. Send M a list of stuff sold, added up, by end of month (create calendar reminder)
3. place all books/CD's listed in strategic location (rearranging some bookshelves)
4. amount listed: I'd started out saying '5 a week' but it was so easy to do it that now am thinking 5 a day, but I'm not consistent in my daily tasks, so
5. test CD's/ DVD's before listing
6. do the tax thingie


Goal: liquidate junk, old tech, doodads, etc
some funds for my spending $, some funds for project above (diff accounts)
after that, eliminate what is unsold

1. put all stuff in one place already done, mostly; a lot of it is elsewhere in the house so for now just concentrating on what's already organized in back room
2. photo same as above
3. find/organize photos of stuff that was taken already last time I was doing this- tried this; found nothing so

  1. find/upload pics off iPhone 
  2. ditto iPad
  3. put all in folder

4. create a document that lists them (can be ongoing process)
5. list 5 a week (defo only 5 a week because this is more bothersome than listing on Amazon)
6. relist all items 3 times and what does not sell, dump
7. after all in that room accounted for, hunt rest of house and start over

BONUS: at one pt create a tarot listing, see if anything happens with that


Goal: online venue for art
make extra $ for all above goals
TBD; either after cc is paid off or more $ in some way because fees; would like $ to be made re above before doing this
also after back to selling properly again

1. check if free listings still exist
2. photo all art
3. write all art on document (this & above also useful in general)
4. create tarot listing; 3 or more
5. painting project???

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