Monday, September 26, 2016

nashville Schnazzville

First, I have to get this out of the way:

Nashville is an Epic Dissappointment, even more so because we have very very low standards and very few needs.

One bloody cup of flavoured coffee. That's it! And yet this huge metropolis is incapable of delivering that small thing.

anyway. moving on.


1. I got to see some great old family & friends at bro's this weekend (yes, the cake was for him, it was a surprise so i didn't want to post about it too much tee hee) and see his lovely new house and overall make the trip

2. in spite of uber coffee annoyance today, grateful that we chose to stay in hotel room instead so that needed naps happened

3. meeting JH's brother was pretty epic and life changing for reasons I will write about later (if i can make it so that i can dedicate the hour or so to it without feeling too pinched elsewhere in life)

4. seeing again ppl from the past/from college whom i had the impression thought i was rubbish (bc i was so fucked up back then in every sense of the word) but it was all so nice that i must've been wrong. Always good to think that ppl thought better of you than you thought 

5. i actualy really did enjoy getting weirdly lost in mid Kentucky and driving around for 2+ hours - technically we were not lost we were avoiding a bad accident site/epic backup on the freeway and 

6. thanks to phone gps for giving us the map/route to plan an alternate to sitting on the freeway for 3+ hours instead of inetersting epic ride for 2+ hours

To Do

There are things I want to do but am having trouble committing to them bc there's all the other things I'm committed to systematizing that got upended due to travelling around this weekend, and prob not getting home will weds but here they are in general the things i want to do

- edit + upload on facebook photos of weekend
- DL biz left behind
- octo biz left behind
- clear out email inbox

Things on future:
scan and/or mail dwgs
finish the daily videos
Ma blogs  (did one, want to do more)
cancel weird youtube thing that's charging me $10 a month
some stu. loan thing
make Bowie art
finish wood arts photo/catalogue process
post video links
some sort of banner for here
create/print cake recipe, Luz' version
photo/photoshop remaining art pieces (let's use a decent light source this time, eh?)
sell diffeent things

(yoga, in parends bc lost the habit so have to find it again 1st)
The One Thing
(art/creative, same thing) 
(book read, off computer by 10p)
(online class IE now it's the mental thing - including 'criticism' and other articles/video)
octo push to groups (from one to 10)

DL for the week
DIH for the week
OCTO push to fan pages (prob eveyr 2 weeks)
(emailother outreach various ventures)
(submissions - JH wtg/AA art)
($ org)
(basic clean)

($ orgs spreadsheet like before)
(mega clean/chuck stuff)
one goal/project
one video (even if small, on spec, etc)
(plan sub venues/calendars/update spreadsheets
one fitness challenge (at least every other month)

collect 100 rejections re submissions (per this  -in addition to this,
actually place something & get paid

more ideas later, though ti would be nice to cinch these ideas b4 adding more

1 comment:

  1. How cool that you got to meet J's bro for the first time! I love seeing the delivery of "THE CAKE" too :) Good lead up to that picture :) So cool. Sorry Nashville was such a disappointment! Bleh! I LOVE Nashville so much! Although this was ten years back and I was barhopping and such so maybe my recollection is blurry at best!
