Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday / Monday

before filters


1- sealed the deal on new crib :D :D :D now come the fun part haha
2 - the kitchari thing i've been doing this week has helped me overcome that terrible binge cycle i was in since the beginning of fall. That in itself is worth the price of admission
3 - good convo with house ppl here
4 - deal on my face product (sale + coupon)
5 - taking fun and awesome pics of random stuff on instagram - it's just so fun to do with all the filters
6 - found a way i can and could make $ thru instagram photos thru thrifty fun tips site
7 - did pretty well in meeting posting/opp following/submitting goals, better than i have all year. If i can keep momentum going i will definitely make good progress in money things
8 - even though 'took time off' over weekend, super grateful for having had opp to get up early 6:30am to get and see how easy it is to get things done

after Instagram filters

To Do (some tonite though was wanting to go to bed soon)

- IMPORTANT: CALL student loan thing
- POST OFFICE: mail NC thing
mail poem thing IT WAS CLOSED

- all DIH next week
- al DL next week
- some octo (4)
- write art woman re titles
- pack (just some each day- 1st trip on Weds)
- clean up room is a sty again
- print 2nd NC thing
- make title pg for above
- print, pack, title page, etc poems entries
- harvest new Instagram for TF posts
- laundry finish
- new TF post (recipe pie) stasrted it
 - DL Today
- list camera


  1. I'm reading these backwards! New place!! I have tons to catch up on with you!

  2. oh yay!! i was hoping yo'd come back :D
